Sep 7, 2012

3rd Month Anniversary Game

Mad Libs

Dr. Carm picked three short stories from her postings for the mad libs.

Instructions: Write your word to the blanks on a piece of paper in the order provided. After you have written your answers down, place your words in the corresponding story. It should end up being funny.

Noun: A person, place, or thing
Adjective: Describes a noun
Verb: An action word
Adverb: Describes a verb

Story 1

1. Place ______________
2. Noun ______________
3. Noun ______________
4. Number ____________

Story 2
1. Noun ______________
2. Number ____________
3. Group _____________

Story 3
1. Number ____________
2. Profession __________
3. Number ____________
4. Noun ______________
5. Adjective ___________

Story 1

A man comes into the    1    and yells, "My    2   's going to have her baby in the cab!" I grabbed my    3   , rushed out to the cab, lifted the lady's dress, and began to take off her underwear. Suddenly I noticed that there were    4    cabs - and I was in the wrong one!

Story 2

One day I had to be the bearer of bad news when I told a    1    that her husband had died of a massive myocardial infarct. Not more than    2    minutes later, I heard her reporting to the rest of the    3    that he had died of a "massive internal fart."

Story 3

During a patient's    1    week follow-up appointment with his    2   , he informed me, his doctor, that he was having trouble with one of his medications. 
"Which one?" I asked. 
"The patch. The nurse told me to put on a new one every    3    hours and now I'm running out of places to put it!" 
I had him quickly undress and discovered what I hoped I wouldn't see...Yes, the man had over fifty patches on his    4   ! Now, the instructions include removal of the    5    patch before applying a new one.

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