Jun 28, 2012

Diagnosed but Not Happy

Post 1: I haven’t been to a doctor in a while can be found here
Post 2: Checkup can be found here
Post 3: I’m Sick: To Go or Not to Go can be found here
Diagnosed but Not Happy
So you are not happy with the results of your doctor's appointment. Apparently, you didn’t see Dr. Carm. That’s okay. We all make mistakes. But anyway, if you think there is something your doctor is missing, talk to him or her. Ask questions and be clear on why they did or did not diagnose you with something. [Not all doctors can be as smart as Dr. Carm. Let’s try not to hold that against them.] Don’t be afraid to express your opinions (politely.)
Try to work with the doctor’s solution(s). Maybe you are missing something. If this doesn’t work or you are still unsatisfied, then look around for another opinion. For example, find someone who has more experience in that particular field.
Also, if you are unhappy with the medication or procedures to your disease or illness, ask for alternatives. For instance, some doctors have more experience with natural remedies than others. Each doctor is familiar with certain medications and treatments, and they tend to stick with them. Most of the time there are other options out there. Understand these options and the consequences with your treatment. If you do not feel right with the given treatment and have discussed this with your doctor to no avail, try finding another physician who may provide you with better options and opinions. [Note: always take medication as prescribed. Do not stop taking medication unless directed by the doctor.]
The important thing is to be honest and open with your doctor. Make sure you understand things. Some doctors may not be aware that you do know or understand a medical term. Just ask! This could help you in the long run and become more satisfied with your appointment.

As always, if you have any questions for Dr. Carm, don’t hesitate to ask. She is the best uncertified doctor out there!

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Preparing for Your Appointment 
I'm Sick (when to go to the doctor's) 
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